rules and regulations
Game Play:
5 innings
2 outs per inning
Regular baseball count, including walks
Strike zone is marked by the board behind the plate. Called strikes must hit the board in the marked strike zone.
Hit by pitch is a ball
Pitches too fast = ball (pitches much have at least a slight arch and should be under 40 mph)
No bunting
Runner is out if:
Tagged with ball
Ball is thrown and makes contact with runner before touching the ground
Ball touches runner in fair territory directly after contact with the bat
Runner leaves the base before the ball is contacted by the bat
No infield fly rule
Runner advances one base if ball is thrown out of play by a fielder
10 run maximum each inning
Team wins if up 15 runs after 3 innings or 10 runs after 4 innings
Team play:
All 5 players will bat, lineup set before each game
Only 4 fielders on defense:
pitcher, catcher, and 2 outfielders.
Must have an outfielder behind the baseline and on each half of the field
Can change pitchers up to 3 times per game
Teams may not add a player after the game starts
All players on the tournament roster must have played in at least 1 game
Ball, Bat, Duct Tape, & Bases are all provided by Wifflebowl
Standard 6 hole wiffleball
Standard wiffleball bat + 6 strips of duct tape that can be placed anywhere on the barrel
Teams may supply their own grip tape, must not go past factory grip on bat
No gloves allowed
Bases will be 45 feet apart
Pitching rubber (painted mark) will be 35 feet from home
A runner who runs through the fence after scoring will be called out
If a fielder runs through the outfield fence the batter is awarded a homerun (if ball did not hit the ground) or a double (if ball hit the ground)